Welcome to the Year 1 home page!
Class Teachers
Our class teachers are Miss Elmes and Mrs Swinbank.
y1 Maths Long Term Plan 2023-2024
We are following the ‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revisited’ phonics programme. Children receive a phonics lesson daily and three reading lessons per week. Reading books are set on a Monday and can be accessed online. Every week we visit the school library on a Monday afternoon where we choose a Reading for Pleasure book to bring home for the week. These books should be returned by the following Monday.
This term our class texts are: Where’s my Teddy? The Everywhere Bear Brown Bear Brown Bear what do you see? We’re Going on a Bear Hunt Dear Father Christmas We will use these texts to develop our sentence writing skills and to write our own short narrative, poem, instructions and a recount.
In Year 1 homework is set every Friday. This should be completed and returned by Tuesday. Reading books are assigned every Monday using Big Cat books online. Children should read three times a week at home.
Year 1 children will be completing all PE lessons on a Tuesday and a Friday. The required uniform for PE is dark shorts and white top.
Class Dojo
Within Year 1, Class Dojo is used to reward children where they can collect Dojo points. It should also be used to communicate with the teacher about your child.
The School Day
The school day is shown below:
o 8.10a.m. Breakfast Club
o 8.30a.m. Children arrive into playground
o 8:40a.m. IMoves
o 8.45a.m. Lessons start promptly
o 10.30a.m. Morning break
o 10.45a.m. Lessons Resume
o 11.45p.m. Key Stage 1 lunch
o 12.50p.m. Lessons start promptly
o 3.00p.m. School Ends
Learning This Term
Within Science this term we are learning about the seasons and how the weather changes with each season. Within Geography we are reinforcing this knowledge by looking at weather across the United Kingdom, considering how weather varies in each country in the U.K and how weather affects our activities and our jobs. Within Art we are learning how to mix secondary colours from primary colours and studying the artists Jasper Johns and Clarice Cliff. We will be evaluating the art made by these artists and developing our own skills of creating pattern, colours, shade and tone. Within R.E we will be learning about churches, Harvest and Christmas. Our computing learning will cover digital printing and the parts of a computer After half term we will begin our History topic in which we will be answering the question ‘How has our local high street changed?’ In D.T we will be making a moving story book with a Christmas theme using the sliding mechanism. We will be learning lots and having lots of fun along the way!