Welcome to the Year 4 home page!
Class Teachers
Our class teachers are Miss Scott, Mrs Carney and Miss Davy.
Long Term Overview
Children will receive a reading book, that will be changed as they become confident in reading it and complete an Accelerated Reader quiz. The quiz allows the child to showcase their knowledge of the book and ensures they have retained the required learning, before moving to another book. We will hear the children read throughout the week on a one-to-one basis. The reading books that are sent home should be practised regularly at home so that the children become fluent and confident, when reading. Next term, our class novel will be Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and we will be using this in some of our reading comprehension lessons alongside other mixed genres. We will also be reading Charlotte’s Web, within our literacy lessons and completing reading/writing tasks involving this. On a Tuesday afternoon, the children visit the school library to select a free reading book.
In Year 4, children will receive spelling and timetables homework weekly, alongside their reading books. This is to enhance their learning in reading/maths – the children will be taught sounds and words throughout the week.
Year 4 children will be completing all PE lessons on a Thursday and Friday. The required uniform for PE is dark shorts and a plain white t-shirt.
Class Dojo
Within Year 4, Class Dojo is used to reward children where they can collect Dojo points. It should also be used to communicate with the teacher about your child in working hours.
The School Day
The school day is shown below:
- 8.10a.m. Breakfast Club
- 8.40a.m. IMoves
- 8.45a.m. Lessons start promptly
- 10:30am Breaktime
- 12.15p.m. Key Stage 2 lunch
- 1:00pm Lessons start promptly
- 3.00p.m. School Ends
Learning This Term
During the summer term, Year 4 will be reading Cressida Cowell’s ‘How to Train Your Dragon’. The children will develop their reading skills through this. Within literacy, the children will learn how to write a 5 part story using Eve Buntings ‘ The Night of the Gargoyles’ as a stimulus to write. They will also look at the features of a newspaper report and create their own. In our maths lessons this term, the children will cover a range of topics including decimals, time, money and geometry. We will then apply these skills to problem solving based questions. In our science lessons, we will be learning about electricity and completing our sound unit. Within geography lessons, the children will be learning about the Amazon and its importance. They will locate it on a map and consider climate and other factors that make it one of a few unique places in the world. In history, Year 4 will be learning about the Anglo Saxons. They will consider why they came to settle in Britain and how they impacted Britain. Finally, in our music lessons, Year 4 will continue to develop their Ukulele skills. What a busy term we have!
Learning Last Term
During the spring term, Year 4 will explore E.B. White’s ‘Charlotte’s Web’ to develop narrative writing. We will develop our descriptive writing using a range of styles including poetry, diary entries, story maps, note taking, fact files, writing in role character descriptions and narrative descriptions. In our maths lessons, this term, we will be developing our knowledge of the multiplication and division. Within this, we will learn to multiply 3 digits by 1 digit and divide 3 digits by 1 digit. We will then apply these skills in problem solving based questions. In our science lessons, we will be covering the ‘Living Things and their Habitats’ topic where we will study classification. During our art lessons, the pupils will be developing their techniques, including their control and their use of materials, with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design and they will also learn about great artists, architects and designers in history. Towards the end of the spring term, the pupils will develop their design and engineering technique in their DT unit, structures. In PE lessons, we will be learning how to play tennis and creating dance sequences. Computing lessons will consist of the pupils learning how to use photo editing and how to log data correctly. In Geography this term, the learning will be based on the topic ‘Rainforests’. The children will look at the key features of rainforests and the wildlife that grows there. In History, pupils will explore the Romans further, thinking about the impact they had on Britain. During RE, pupils will explore what Christians believe about Jesus and will learn why Lent is such an important period for Christians. Finally, in our music lessons, Year 4 will be taught how to play the Ukulele by a member of the Durham Music Service. Year 4 have a very busy term of learning!